First Public Launch of Desktop Avatar! 🎭
Devlog: First Public Launch of Desktop Avatar! 🎭
📅 Date: [Insert today's date]
🎉 Version: v1.0 - Initial Public Release
Welcome to the First Public Release of Desktop Avatar!
We’re excited to launch Desktop Avatar, a free always-on-top desktop companion featuring celebrity parody AI avatars with realistic voices! Whether you're streaming, gaming, or working, your avatar is always there to chat, react, and bring entertainment to your screen.
This is the first public version, and we’re committed to weekly or bi-weekly updates to enhance features, add new celebrities, and improve the user experience based on your feedback!
🔥 Features in This Release:
✅ Celebrity Parody Chat: Talk to AI-powered celebrity lookalikes with realistic voices!
✅ Always On Top: Keep the avatar visible while doing anything on your PC.
✅ Text & Voice Responses: Chat via text or listen to spoken responses.
✅ Token System: Unlock special interactions and features.
✅ Offline Mode: Pre-recorded responses when you're offline.
✅ Support Non-Profit Initiatives: Donations help fund Desktop Avatar and programs like CareMAite for Seniors & Kids.
⚠️ Important Note: Security Warning on First Run
At this time, Desktop Avatar is not yet digitally signed with a security certificate.
You may see a Windows security warning (SmartScreen or "Unknown Publisher") when launching it for the first time.
✔️ To proceed, click: "More Info" → "Run Anyway" (or Unblock in Properties).
This is a temporary step until we secure our code-signing certificate with initial donations.
Roadmap – What’s Next?
🔒 Code Signing Certificate: Secure a trusted certificate to remove security warnings.
🎨 UI Overhaul: Improved interface and customization options.
🖼️ New Banners: More themed backgrounds for avatars.
🌟 More Celebrity Parodies: Expand the roster with new voices.
🎭 Enhanced Animations: More expressive avatars with better movement.
🎮 Interactive Mini-Games: Fun games you can play with your avatar.
💡 Community Feedback: Help shape the future of Desktop Avatar!
💬 We Want Your Feedback!
As this is an early release, we'd love to hear from you!
📩 Leave comments, suggestions, and bug reports on our page.
Your input directly influences our updates!
🎉 Thank you for being part of the first public release of Desktop Avatar! 🎉
We’re just getting started—stay tuned for more updates!
🌍 Multilingual Support
This devlog is available in multiple languages! Scroll down for translations:
- Español (Spanish) 🇪🇸
- Français (French) 🇫🇷
- Deutsch (German) 🇩🇪
- Português (Portuguese) 🇧🇷
- Русский (Russian) 🇷🇺
- 中文 (Chinese, Simplified) 🇨🇳
- 日本語 (Japanese) 🇯🇵
- 한국어 (Korean) 🇰🇷
- Italiano (Italian) 🇮🇹
- العربية (Arabic) 🇸🇦
🌍 Multilingual Support – Devlog Translations
Español (Spanish) 🇪🇸
🎉 ¡Gracias por ser parte del primer lanzamiento público de Desktop Avatar! 🚀
Apenas estamos comenzando—¡mantente atento para más actualizaciones! 📢
🔹 Certificado de firma de código: Seguridad mejorada y eliminación de alertas de malware.
🔹 Revisión de UI: Mejoras en la interfaz y opciones de personalización.
🔹 Nuevas parodias de celebridades: Expansión del repertorio de voces y personajes.
🔹 Animaciones mejoradas: Más expresividad y mejor movimiento en los avatares.
🔹 Mini-juegos interactivos: Diviértete con tu avatar en nuevas actividades.
🔹 Retroalimentación de la comunidad: ¡Ayúdanos a dar forma al futuro de Desktop Avatar!
💬 ¡Queremos tu opinión! Deja tus comentarios y sugerencias en nuestra página de
Français (French) 🇫🇷
🎉 Merci de faire partie du premier lancement public de Desktop Avatar ! 🚀
Nous ne faisons que commencer—restez à l'écoute pour plus de mises à jour ! 📢
🔹 Certificat de signature de code : Sécurité améliorée et suppression des avertissements antivirus.
🔹 Refonte de l'interface utilisateur : Amélioration de l'interface et options de personnalisation.
🔹 Nouvelles parodies de célébrités : Expansion des voix et personnages.
🔹 Animations améliorées : Avatars plus expressifs et mieux animés.
🔹 Mini-jeux interactifs : Jouez avec votre avatar pour plus d'interactivité.
🔹 Commentaires de la communauté : Aidez-nous à façonner l'avenir de Desktop Avatar !
💬 Nous voulons votre avis ! Laissez vos suggestions sur notre page
Deutsch (German) 🇩🇪
🎉 Vielen Dank, dass Sie Teil der ersten öffentlichen Veröffentlichung von Desktop Avatar sind! 🚀
Wir fangen gerade erst an – bleiben Sie dran für weitere Updates! 📢
🔹 Code-Signatur-Zertifikat: Verbesserte Sicherheit und Entfernung von Malware-Warnungen.
🔹 UI-Überarbeitung: Verbesserte Benutzeroberfläche und mehr Anpassungsoptionen.
🔹 Neue Promi-Parodien: Erweiterung der Stimmen und Charaktere.
🔹 Verbesserte Animationen: Ausdrucksstärkere Avatare mit besseren Bewegungen.
🔹 Interaktive Minispiele: Spiele mit deinem Avatar.
🔹 Community-Feedback: Hilf uns, die Zukunft von Desktop Avatar zu gestalten!
💬 Wir freuen uns über dein Feedback! Hinterlasse deine Meinung auf unserer
Português (Portuguese) 🇧🇷
🎉 Obrigado por fazer parte do primeiro lançamento público do Desktop Avatar! 🚀
Estamos apenas começando—fique ligado para mais atualizações! 📢
🔹 Certificado de Assinatura de Código: Segurança aprimorada e remoção de alertas de malware.
🔹 Reformulação da UI: Melhorias na interface e opções de personalização.
🔹 Novas Paródias de Celebridades: Mais vozes e personagens adicionados.
🔹 Animações Aprimoradas: Avatares mais expressivos e fluidos.
🔹 Mini-Jogos Interativos: Divirta-se jogando com seu avatar.
🔹 Feedback da Comunidade: Ajude-nos a moldar o futuro do Desktop Avatar!
💬 Queremos seu feedback! Deixe seus comentários na nossa página do
Русский (Russian) 🇷🇺
🎉 Спасибо, что стали частью первого публичного релиза Desktop Avatar! 🚀
Мы только начинаем—оставайтесь с нами для дальнейших обновлений! 📢
🔹 Сертификат цифровой подписи: Улучшенная безопасность и удаление предупреждений о вредоносном ПО.
🔹 Редизайн UI: Улучшенный интерфейс и больше возможностей настройки.
🔹 Новые пародии на знаменитостей: Расширение списка голосов и персонажей.
🔹 Улучшенные анимации: Более выразительные аватары с лучшими движениями.
🔹 Интерактивные мини-игры: Развлекайтесь, играя со своим аватаром.
🔹 Обратная связь от сообщества: Помогите нам формировать будущее Desktop Avatar!
💬 Оставьте ваш отзыв! Напишите свои предложения на нашей странице
中文 (Chinese, Simplified) 🇨🇳
🎉 感谢您成为 Desktop Avatar 首次公开发布的一部分!🚀
🔹 代码签名证书:增强安全性并移除恶意软件警报。
🔹 用户界面改进:优化界面和自定义选项。
🔹 新增名人模仿:扩展语音和角色库。
🔹 改进动画:更生动的头像和更流畅的动作。
🔹 互动小游戏:与您的头像一起玩耍。
🔹 社区反馈:帮助我们塑造 Desktop Avatar 的未来!
💬 欢迎反馈! 在我们的 页面上留言建议。
日本語 (Japanese) 🇯🇵
🎉 Desktop Avatar の最初の公開リリースにご参加いただきありがとうございます!🚀
🔹 コード署名証明書: セキュリティ強化とマルウェア警告の削除。
🔹 UIの改善: インターフェースの改良とカスタマイズオプションの追加。
🔹 新しい有名人パロディ: ボイスとキャラクターを拡充。
🔹 改良されたアニメーション: 表情豊かなアバターと滑らかな動き。
🔹 インタラクティブミニゲーム: アバターと一緒に遊べる楽しいゲーム。
🔹 コミュニティの意見: Desktop Avatar の未来を共に作りましょう!
💬 フィードバック募集中! ページでコメントをお待ちしています。
한국어 (Korean) 🇰🇷
🎉 Desktop Avatar의 첫 공개 출시에 함께해 주셔서 감사합니다! 🚀
우리는 이제 시작일 뿐—앞으로의 업데이트를 기대해 주세요! 📢
🔹 코드 서명 인증서: 보안 강화 및 악성 소프트웨어 경고 제거.
🔹 UI 개편: 인터페이스 향상 및 커스터마이징 옵션 추가.
🔹 새로운 셀럽 패러디: 음성과 캐릭터 확장.
🔹 향상된 애니메이션: 더욱 생동감 있는 아바타 움직임.
🔹 인터랙티브 미니게임: 아바타와 함께 즐길 수 있는 미니게임 추가.
🔹 커뮤니티 피드백: Desktop Avatar의 미래를 함께 만들어가요!
💬 피드백을 남겨주세요! 페이지에서 의견을 공유하세요.
Italiano (Italian) 🇮🇹
🎉 Grazie per aver partecipato al primo rilascio pubblico di Desktop Avatar! 🚀
Siamo solo all'inizio—seguici per altri aggiornamenti! 📢
🔹 Certificato di firma del codice: Sicurezza migliorata e rimozione degli avvisi di malware.
🔹 Miglioramenti UI: Interfaccia migliorata con più opzioni di personalizzazione.
🔹 Nuove parodie di celebrità: Espansione del repertorio di voci.
🔹 Animazioni migliorate: Avatars più espressivi e fluidi.
💬 Lascia il tuo feedback! Scrivici sulla nostra pagina
Get Desktop Avatar: Trump Edition
Desktop Avatar: Trump Edition
Chat with celebrities in over 80 languages! Always on top for streaming, gaming, or work. Over 80 languages!
Status | In development |
Category | Tool |
Author | Altruistic Gaming Non-Profit |
Tags | ai, celebrity, chatgpt, companion, desktop, interactive, multilingual, non-profit, Parody, token |
Languages | Arabic, German, English, Spanish; Latin America, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Turkish, Chinese |
Accessibility | Subtitles, Configurable controls |
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